Remote working has increased my productivity in 2020

2 min readSep 27, 2020

At the beginning of the year 2020 I switch jobs, and I started working from home one day a week.
When the covid pandemic was officially in the country, we all started remotely full-time during the quarantine.
The transition from part-time remote work to full time was smooth because we were already using the rights tools for it. Even tho it’s been more months that quarantine is finished, we still continue working from home (no one wants to go back to the office anymore).

Working remotely as a web developer allows me to be more creative and I believe more productive. I can manage my time and do cool stuff like going for a walk in the middle of the day.

It also allows me to get quiet moments. To work with music in the room, to do research, and to watch seminary without disturbing co-workers or fear criticisms. Because I can manage my environment, it’s easier to get into the zone.

homeworking location — 2020

It gives me more possibility to work on personal projects. Simply because I can manage my time. For example, I can work one hour on my personal project in the middle of the day and finish later. I don’t see myself do that I the office, unfortunately.

I personally believe that personals projects are the one that makes me improve the most. In the end, really benefit my employer because it brings new stack/techniques/idea to work. It does because it let me learn and explore without deadline pressure.

One other thing, it let me time to do some freelancing. It’s not an issue to pick up an extra professional call at my home office, to get up one hour earlier in the morning. Especially now that I don’t have two-hour commute a day because I stay at home.

If like me you got to work from home, I have a little advice: Don’t work from your living room ! Especially if you don’t leave alone. I did it at the beginning.

  • There was too much distraction
  • I didn’t have a room to relax anymore (because it became my office)
  • When the day was off, I still find myself in the office After two weeks I finally installed my-self into my office room (yes it took me two weeks to find to motivation to tidy up).

Well, that’s it! Next time I will share a good testing framework that I have discovered lately.




Self-taught programmer; passionate about Rust & Blockchains